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Landscapes >
Great Sand Dunes Three Seasons

Great Sand Dunes Three Seasons


1 Medium

94 da24 tote bag m
Tote Bags
93 0629 pillow m
Throw Pillows
61 2311 mug m
124 49f3 puzzle m
174 c828 magnets
113 dc35 acrylic trays
Acrylic Trays

2 Size

3 Styles

4 Frame

Great Sand Dunes National Park is located in southern Colorado, Alamosa. Tthis park features North America's tallest dunes, rising up over 750 feet high against the rugged Sangre de Cristo Mountains. 

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Visiting Great Sand Dunes National Park was an unexpected exploration. Nestled at the foot of the rugged Sangre de Cristo Mountains, the wind-swept prairie deposits sand creating, from a distance, “lavender fields” of sand. Originally from Northern Maine, then living in Taos, New Mexico, I was missing beaches, clear, clean water, and the color nature green. I had heard of the Great Sand Dunes, and could not believe they existed, so one day I tossed my puppy in the car and drove to this magical place where we discovered mountains covered with snow, miles and miles of shifting sand, clear mountain water, green grass, wildlife, and tall pines. I remember taking picture after picture because I had never experienced such raw, natural beauty in one location, all the time having the feeling of walking on the moon while the sand constantly shifted, and I gazed at majestic purple hazed mountains in the background. With miles of warm beach sand, Petie, the puppy, and I ran in the sand, and wadded in the icy water, all in the middle of no man's land.

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